Thursday, February 24, 2011

I have moved

I have a new blog called Lullaby Lane. I would love you to visit me there from now on!

Monday, August 23, 2010


 I think mom works to hard!

So I try to give her a helping hand.

But I don't usually succeed! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Birthday

In a couple of weeks I will be turning 10! I have a lot of plans and I am very excited about my party. We are going to make everything mini including; mini cupcakes, mini oranges, mini brownies, fruit pieces on mini tooth pics and some homemade honey taffy. I can't wait to make all the yummy food. We are going to decorate the family room the night before the party. I am inviting 10 friends to my 10th birthday!

House Work

Since we are home schooled I get to help with the house work. For instance today we cleaned the kitchen. Our whole family helped out, except for dad who was at work. A part of the kitchen is the fridge and I got to scrub the shelves and baskets. While I scrubbed mom and Tate rinsed and dried and put every thing back into the fridge. Every day of the week we clean a different part of the house. Yesterday we cleaned the bathrooms. Tomorrow we are doing our bedrooms. Tomorrow is a busy day for us; after we do our rooms, we are going to the Ellis' for science day, then I get to go and sing with the church at the retirement home. Afterwards we need to take Emma to ballet, then home for a quick dinner and last of all to the church for Achievement Days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Favourite Foods

I like
ice cream
macaroni & cheese


Noey is my nickname, it stands for Noelle. Nya has the same initials as me N.E.M. My middle name is Elisabeth,I love names.